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Free Consumer Assistance Program

The Consumer Assistance Program is for anyone looking for help with their medical bills or claims. Whether you have a question or need help troubleshooting an issue, we are here to help.  Axis and the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative Consumer Assistance Program have partnered to offer this program, free of charge.

What is the Consumer Assistance Program?

The Consumer Assistance Program (CAP), in partnership with the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative, offers free support to individuals dealing with medical bills or claims. The team of skilled and knowledgeable experts is dedicated to helping people navigate healthcare and insurance coverage. Anyone in need of assistance should contact Kate at 970.403.4297.

How Can We Help You?

Our goal is to help you find the best solutions for your medical bills and claims without the added stress of financial concerns. The Consumer Assistance Program connects you to resources and tools that are right for you. This service is offered at no cost and can potentially save you money.

  • Billing and Claims Support
  • Applying for financial assistance for hospital procedures
  • Screening for health coverage through Medicaid and Insurance coverage assistance
  • Appealing a health insurance medical claim denial
  • Screening for prescription drug cost assistance
  • Education and Information

Please note that CAP services support medical bill and claim navigation, but we do not offer financial help to pay for medical bills or prescriptions.

Who is Eligible for CAP?

Our Consumer Assistance Program is available to anyone.

Todas nuestras sucursales ofrecen servicios de interpretación por teléfono y video para asegurarnos que tus necesidades médicas se cubran de forma amable y profesional. Haz clic aquí para obtener más información en español sobre cómo registrarte como paciente, así como también información sobre facturación, seguro de salud y nuestra escala móvil de tarifas.

To access interpretation services call 970.335.2288; or if you are deaf or hard of hearing, please call 800-656-3656 for Colorado TTY services. Expect a short delay as our staff connects you with an interpreter.

We are happy to discuss billing and insurance options with you.  Please call us to learn more about options that are available to you.

We accept Medicaid at all locations.

For billing and insurance questions, click here.