Support groups, education, local and national resources at your fingertips.
Mental Health Resources
Local Resources
State Resources
- Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council
- Department or Public Health and Education
- Colorado Consumer Health Initiative
- Colorado Non-Profit Association
- Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
- Mental Health Colorado
- Mental Health First Aid Colorado
- Office of Suicide Prevention
- Rocky Mountain Health Plans
National Resources
- American Association of Suicidology
- Depression Bipolar Support Alliance
- Columbus Recovery Center
- Mental Health America
- Mental Health First Aid
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
- National Council for Behavioral Health
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Psych Central
- Start Your Recovery
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Mantherapy
- Well Spouse Association Support for spousal caregivers.
- Geriatric Mental Health Foundation offers information on caregiving, mental health topics relating to older adults, and a Depression Recovery Toolkit.
- Alzheimer’s Association
- American Association of Caregiving Youth gives support to individuals under 18 years of age who are caregivers.
- Caregiver Action Network
- Free Community Caregiver Support Program: Hospice of Montezuma. Contact Sunny Bossenmaier – Support Services Coordinator 512 N Broadway, Cortez, Colorado 81321, 970-565-4400
- Support for MS, Dementia, Parkinson’s and other Neurological Diseases: 1st Tuesday of the month 10 a.m. – 12 noon at Hospice of Montezuma – 512 N Broadway, Cortez 970-565-4400
- Cancer Support Group: Last Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. at Hospice of Montezuma – 512 N Broadway, Cortez 970-565-4400
- Friendship Social Group – Call Hospice for details 970-565-4400. Support, friends, & social activities after a loss or during a caregiver role to provide relief from isolation
- Local Resource Support Clinic for any issue currently being experienced: 4th Thursday of the month from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. At Hospice of Montezuma 512 N Broadway, Cortez 970-565-4400
- Consumer Assistance Program is a partnership between Axis and Colorado Consumer Health Initiative provides free and confidential support navigating medical bills and insurance claims
Their skilled experts can help you with the following:
- Understanding medical bills and ensuring you only pay for covered services.
- Resolving billing errors and advocating on your behalf
- Maximizing your insurance coverage and understanding the claims process
- Finding resources and tools to save money on medical bills and prescription potentially
CAP services include:
- Medical billing and claim navigation services
- Applying for financial as programs (They don’t directly offer financial aid)
- Appealing denied insurance claims
- Prescriptions drug cost-assistance screening
Whether you need help with a specific bill or want general guidance CAP is here for you. Contact Kate at 970.403.4297
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, a parent support and advocacy network
- Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) In addition to support groups, CHADD has a section for parents which includes many helpful resources and a link that explains their Parent to Parent Family Training
- ARCH National Respite Network
- ATTACh at 866-453-8224 (Association for Treatment and Training in the Attachment of Children)
- Attention Deficit Disorder Association
- Child-Help USA at 1-800-422-4453 (1-800-4-A-Child) Assists both child and adult survivors of abuse, including sexual abuse. The hotline, staffed by mental health professionals, also provides treatment referrals.
- The Compassionate Friends Grief Support: After the death of a child (Use this link to find groups in your area)
- Hospice Foundation of America National hospice office can be reached by calling 1-800-868-5171.)
Mental Illness
- Beacon of Hope Durango for support and sharing
- TARA Association for Personality Disorder: National Borderline Personality Disorder Resource and Referral Center
- The Balanced Mind Foundation
- The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): A family support and advocacy organization
- Families for Depression Awareness: Information about depression and bipolar disorder including how to help someone who is depressed seek treatment and manage treatment, information for friends and family members about taking care of themselves, downloadable Wellness Guides.
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- Dual Recovery Anonymous: Support for those who have both a mental health and alcohol/substance abuse condition
- American Association of Retired Persons Grief and Loss Information
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Anxiety and Depression Association of America peer-to-peer support group
- Postpartum Support International, National 24-hour Postpartum Depression Helpline 1.800.944.4PPD)
- Behavioral Tech, LLC (Information and resources for people with borderline personality disorder and their friends and family)
- Borderline Personality Disorder Resource Center
- Brain and Behavior Research Foundation information about schizophrenia and depression for individuals and their families.
- Brain Injury Association of America
Substance Use
- Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Colorado
- Recovery International
- Adult Children of Alcoholics
- Al-Anon/Alateen
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Hazelden offers a helpful question and answers section for friends and family members who care about someone who has an alcohol or substance abuse problem. They also offer information that focuses on co-occurring disorders (when someone has both a mental health condition and an alcohol or substance abuse condition)
- SMART Recovery Meetings
Suicide Prevention, Treatment & Post-vention
- American Association of Suicidology: Support for family/friends that have lost a loved one to suicide
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has chapters around the country and offers a variety of information and support resources for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
- Suicide Prevention Resource Center
- Yellow Ribbon offers information and resources about suicide prevention for teens, parents, and others. Has chapters in many states and some other countries as well as support resources for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) connects you with a 24 hour crisis centere a sex addiction
- Self Inflicted Violence
- Self Mutilators Anonymous
- Sex Addicts Anonymous (description of organization) and find a meeting link
- Sidran Institute: Extensive information and resources on PTSD, dissociative disorder, trauma, and self injury; e-mail or call 1-888-825-8249 to request support group information.
- The Arc: Advocacy and innovation for and with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
- Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.
Violence and Trauma
- Witness Justice (Information, resources, and on-line support for victims of violence or trauma, their family and friends, and professionals)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) and 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
- Survivors Art Foundation (For trauma survivors)
- Survivors of Incest Anonymous (Use the SIA Groups and Intergroups options on the left-hand side of the home page to find meeting information)
- National Center for Trauma Informed Care (NCTIC)
- Gateway to PTSD Information
- Male Survivor (Discussion board and chat room for men who have been sexually abused can be accessed from Survivors tab on left hand side of the page)
Additional Support
- Autism Society of America
- CoSLAA Support groups for family and friends of people who have a sex addiction
- Debtors Anonymous
- Emotions Anonymous: Modeled after the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program, Emotions Anonymous is open to any individual dealing with emotional difficulties.
- Gamblers Anonymous
- International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation
- International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
- National Eating Disorders Association
- National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder914-835-9011
- A.S.I.S.@MAAPAutism and Asperger Syndrome support group information for both individuals and their family/friends
- Overeaters Anonymous: Offer in-person, telephone, and on-line meetings
- S.A.F.E. Alternatives (Information and resources for help with self injury)
- S-Anon International Family Groups Support groups for family and friends of people who have a sex addiction
- Self Inflicted Violence
- Self Mutilators Anonymous
- Sex Addicts Anonymous (description of organization) and find a meeting link
- Sidran Institute: Extensive information and resources on PTSD, dissociative disorder, trauma, and self injury; e-mail or call 1-888-825-8249 to request support group information.
- The Arc: Advocacy and innovation for and with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
- Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.